"For years, Lou Dobbs has used his platform on CNN to spread myths and misinformation about Latinos and immigrants, even as his network tries to woo Latino viewers," says the site bastadobbs.com. "Dobbs is helping fuel the rising tide of hatred and extremism against Latinos in this country. It’s time we said enough (that’s “basta” in Spanish)."
Now we know why Lou wants that border wall so bad. It's not to save America, it's to save him.
Lou Dobbs 911 call: "Hi this is Lou Dobbs of CNN. There are about fifty Mexican guys outside my house right now using leaf blowers to fill my driveway up with dry grass clippings and random garbage. If you don't come down here and chase them off I'm going to put on my federale badge and cheesy Mariachi moustache and start blasting away like it's a Sergio Leone movie. Barack Obama is a foreigner."