For some reason, I was under the impression that he was a very handsome, well-built, amiable movie star with only adequate talent. But, reading the tributes in the wake of his death, I have been led to believe that he was, in fact, second only to Brando in thespian gifts.
I need to go back and watch Ghost, and Roadhouse, and Red Dawn, and Dirty Dancing, and Point Break, and all those other film masterpieces he graced, and this time I need to pay much closer attention.
I need to open up my mind and let the Swayze energy roll over me. Then, maybe, I will be as blown away by his genius as all those millions of people who didn't know him who are overcome with grief at his death.
It's amazing to me, considering this man's soaring talent, that he never won an Oscar. Or was nominated for one. Or was even seriously considered to be nominated for one.
I guess I wasn't the only one who missed the boat. Thankfully, we all have this second chance to peel aside the veil of mediocrity and see the maestro within.