Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh My God, It's Not A Joke

Jessica Simpson is not having us on. Her dog actually did get taken by a coyote.

Yesterday I suggested, in jest, that Jessica should hire professionals to help her find the dog. Well guess what? She actually has hired professionals to help her find the dog.

She has procured the services of something called, which has sent out phone calls to everyone who lives in her vicinity, asking them to help find the dog.

So far, nada.

Jessica has, reportedly, not yet abandoned hope. Even though the dog is surely, by now, little more than a pile of steaming coyote shit.

Jessica thinks Daisy stood a good chance of escaping the coyote because, in her words, "she is fast." She must also be pretty strong, to get away from the coyote's jaws in the first place.

Maybe she thinks the coyote was part of some coyote kidnapping ring? This can't get funnier.