Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Beyonce - Queen Of Asswads

This is a painting of Beyonce done by a British artist named Paul Stillwell. Mr. Stillwell was reportedly so excited over this portrait of the singer that he traveled 100 miles to London to show it to her when she was there for a show at Wembley Stadium. Stillwell says he waited outside Beyonce's hotel for five hours, clutching his painting. When the singer finally emerged Stillwell asked her if she'd autograph it, but she replied with a brusque, "No, sorry," and headed on her merry way. A devastated Stillwell then cried his way back to his lonely, miserable, motherless life.

The easy thing would be to make fun of Beyonce for being such an asshole, but I'm not going to. We already know Beyonce is a self-absorbed bitch - we didn't need any further proof. The sad thing about this story is this Stillwell fellow, and what his story reveals about the sickening condition known as mindless idolatry. Basically, Stillwell needs to get a life. Yes, it's sad that his mother died, and yes it's touching that he was inspired to paint this picture while dealing with his grief. But seriously Paul - hauling the damn thing 100 miles to beg some silly-ass twat to autograph it? The fact that you would even care whether some meathead like Beyonce acknowledged you just demonstrates what a loser you are. She's an imbecile Paul. She isn't worth expending a single ounce of disappointment or anger over. Just because she has an ass that is often photographed doesn't make her better than you, or worthy of being placed on the pedestal you've stuck her on. And another thing Paul - you painting that picture while dealing with your mother's death. Isn't that just a tiny bit creepy? I mean, what kind of relationship did you have with your mother anyway? What is it about Beyonce that makes you think of her? I think you need to see a shrink Paul. And you need to stop worshipping low-rent little tramps like Beyonce, who can't even sing or dance that well, and are only well-known because they shook it in some wanky videos.
