Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Alleged Parker Mistress A Total Wack-Job

Alexandra Paressant, the woman who made headlines by claiming to have had sex with Eva Longoria's husband Tony Parker, is apparently a total nut-case who made up the whole thing, and suckered website into spreading her carefully-contrived fiction.

The truth about Paressant has now been uncovered by People magazine reporter Dana Kennedy who relates details of her investigation in a blog on The Huffington Post. Among Kennedy's revelations:

  • Paressant filled her MySpace page with pictures of various similar-looking models, none of whom were Paressant herself.
  • Paressant never had a relationship with soccer star Ronaldinho as has been rumored, but was responsible for creating said rumor herself by flooding message boards with it.
  • The modeling agencies Paressant claimed to work for had received photos, emails and calls from her but no one at any of them had ever met her in person.
  • The photos of "Paressant" on X17 were actually of a German model named Hana Nitsche.
  • When Kennedy tried calling Paressant's alleged best friend Ornella Irie using a number provided by Paressant, the woman on the other side of the line was "unmistakeably Alexandra" herself.
  • Paressant's mother once admitted to a French reporter that her daughter "liked to make up stories."
  • Paressant emailed Kennedy a photo of her French resident card by way of proving her identity, but a friend of Alexandra's said the photo on the card was not Alexandra.

The fascinating element of this story is Paressant's use of the internet to spread her lies. She posted anonymously on message boards about her made-up affair with Ronaldinho, and over time, people actually came to believe she was his mistress. Then she used a MySpace page to create a whole fake Internet identity complete with pictures that weren't really her, and a friends section full of famous people she never met (again, friending famous folks is easy - I've gotten added to the friends lists of Cory Kennedy, Tori Spelling and Brody Jenner; okay, those people are not actually that famous but you get my drift - those MySpace pages are used for self-promotion; the whole point of them is to get added to other people's friends lists, so if you find a MySpace page with lots of famous people as friends, it doesn't mean jack-shit).

Paressant really upped the ante though when she went through X17, providing them with pics of text messages she allegedly passed back and forth with Parker. Again, an easy thing to fake. Unfortunately for X17, they didn't bother checking Paressant out, and now they've been sued for $20 million by Tony Parker who, judging by Kennedy's expose, is surely going to win. The lesson in all this: Never trust French sluts, especially if you're a website trying to compete with TMZ and Perez. And always get pay-off money up-front.
