Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Spice Girls Tension
I was really looking forward to the Spice Girls reunion - not because I care about their lame-ass performing, but because I was hoping for some juicy backstage stories. So far things have been sadly peaceful, but now it looks like the inevitable resentment is starting to at last set in. And - surprise, surprise - Posh is on the receiving end of most of it.
Of course, Posh was always going to end up at the center of any unpleasantness, because she's by far the most famous and the richest of all the Spice Girls. And she has David Beckham which you know burns the rest of them (except Mel C. who doesn't care much about men). What's got the other Spices so irked about Posh in this case, though, is the "special treatment" she's been getting. Silly stuff like Posh not having to wear the hood up on her costume because she doesn't want it to muss her hair. And Posh getting to do a sexy pole-dance routine. And the crowd going wild for Posh every time she blinks an eye, even though she has the least to do in the show.
The funniest one, though, has to be Posh demanding to wear the highest heels, so she'll be taller than the others. Why does she even want that? It just makes her seem more tranny-like.
Actually, I take it back - that's not the funniest thing. The absolute funniest thing is that, when the girls all sing together, they have to turn Posh's mic down so low that when she tries to banter with the crowd afterward no one can even hear her. You know you're untalented when you can't even sing with the Spice Girls.
Okay, so maybe the other Spices have a point - Posh is obviously the weakest link from a performance stand-point, so her getting special treatment is kind of out-of-whack. But, it's also true that Posh is the biggest box-office draw of all the girls. I think it's safe to say that, without Posh, there would be no Spice Girls reunion, because no one would have bothered putting it on. So, the rest of the girls should just shut their fat yaps and enjoy the money Posh is making for them. And if she wants to wear the tallest heels and look like a tranny? You just have to let that slide.