Friday, December 21, 2007

Jamie Lynn Fears Britney

There was a reason Jamie Lynn Spears didn't immediately tell big sis Britney about her pregnancy - it was because crazy Britney scares her shitless.

A Spears source told (which is almost useless if you use Firefox by the way) that Jamie Lynn has long-since become mostly estranged from Brit. The source said:

Jamie Lynn has a very soft personality. She loves Britney, not Britney's temper.

Apparently Britney made life miserable for poor Jamie Lynn back when they were kids. What am I saying...Jamie Lynn still is a fucking kid. And so is Britney for that matter.

Anyway, Britney reacted to Jamie Lynn's snub in predictable fashion - she got mad (only validating Jamie Lynn's initial instinct not to deal with her). The source said:

Britney felt betrayed and left out when Jamie Lynn did not come to her first.

Well, tough potatoes to you Britney. Sheesh, you'd think the bitch would be grateful to finally get out of the headlines for a couple of days. Doesn't she realize that's why her mom and Jamie Lynn cooked up this whole pregnancy scheme - to distract everyone from what a mess Britney's life has become? I guess she's not quick enough to realize that. Obviously, they didn't let her in on the plot - probably a good move, since she would've ended up just blabbing it to the paps.

A person with any clue would've taken the hint when her family basically cut her out of the loop, but not Britney - she's too dim to realize the implications of everyone sidling away from her the way they are. Pretty soon there will be no one left for Brit but Sam Lutfi - and then the money will dry up and even Sam will be gone. Then Britney will have to invent an imaginary friend to love her - not too hard, since she's already cuckoo.
