Time Magazine has decided to name Russian dictator Vladimir Putin its Man of the Year for 2007. Yeah, Putin must be the most important person in the world, cause 99% of earth's population outside Russia spent a grand total of 30 seconds each thinking about the guy.
If I ever need to amuse myself, I just imagine all the Time Magazine writers and editors huddled together in their little meeting room with their doughnuts and their coffee deciding which individual to anoint. Cause you know they treat the whole affair like it's the most important thing in the history of the universe. "Oh, we've got to get this right, cause everyone reads Time Magazine and the whole world is in incredible suspense about who we'll pick."
Actually, no Time Magazine - no one gives a flying fart about who you choose to be Man of the Year. Except, I suppose, other media types who will then report on your choice as though it were a real news story. All day we'll have in-depth analysis from putzes like Joe Scarborough and Wolf Blizter and those flaming twits on FOX, and stories like "Should Putin be Man of the Year?"plus acerbic commentary from Jack Cafferty and other miserable secret pill-poppers who make their living pretending they care about this shit when deep down they all want to be in Bangkok smoking opium and getting blown by teenage hookers.
As for Putin...that guy's ego can't get anymore inflamed, but still, I'm sure it flatters his vanity to be considered so important. He'll probably celebrate by poisoning some more political rivals with Dioxin, locking up a few more dissidents in rat-holes where they'll stay for forty years and maybe have a nice game of darts using his brand-new Kasparov dart-board.