I'm looking forward to Indiana Jones 4 about as much as I'm looking forward to my next prostate exam. And speaking of prostate exams...John Hurt has a big interview on Premiere.com where he discusses working on the aforementioned fourth Indiana Jones adventure (I guess I'm saying John Hurt has a swollen prostate; I don't really know at this point). The big revelation from the interview is that Hurt thinks George Lucas is lacking in social skills. The interviewer asked the Elephant Man if he saw Lucas around on the set at all and Hurt answered:
Occasionally. George is a bit socially crippled really. Not good with people. So I just left him alone.
Lucas is a dickhead - let's be frank. He got lucky once on Star Wars (and don't throw American Graffiti up in my face either - it's carried by the music) and since then his career has consisted of cashing in on that one fluke success. His only big contribution to film history has been the invention of the massive, idiotic tie-in campaign - pumping out billions of tons of plastic shit in support of some new hunk of crass, mindless space opera nonsense. And this is coming from someone who thought Star Wars was the greatest thing ever and saw it about a gazillion times when it came out.
It doesn't surprise me that Lucas is some kind of social misfit either. I mean, what would you expect of the man who dreamed up Jar-Jar Binks? Obviously, this isn't a guy who hangs out with people much, or else he'd have known everyone was going to hate that shit.