Britney Spears skipped a court appearance Wednesday, claiming she wasn't feeling well - then was seen out partying the same night until 2 AM. This blatant flouting of court authority has prompted Kevin Federline's lawyer to make veiled threats against the pop-idiot who remains locked in an ever-more-hopeless custody battle with her ex-leech. Federline's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan told Usmagazine.com:
This can be done with her participation or without it. But it doesn't help anyone not to obey court orders. We will go forward, and she can respond in anyway that addresses her failure to appear.
String her up. Waterboard the bitch. Make her listen to Federline's album for ten hours on end. Take away her frappuccinos and fish sandwiches.
Britney apparently cited anxiety over the persistent paparazzi presence in her life as a reason for feeling ill Wednesday. To this Kaplan said:
If the paparazzi are something that are causing anxiety, that is something I would assume that she deals with most of her life. So I am not sure why the paparazzi anxiety level happened to coincide with the fact that the court ordered her to appear to be cross examined.
What's a court-order to Britney? Don't mean nothin'. It's just a little ol' judge in a little ol' robe with his little ol' hammer. Shucks y'all, I'm a major star. I can show up if'n I want to and if'n I don't want to I don't have to show up. And if'n they wanna make me show up then they can just come on out'n git me but I'm a-warnin' 'em I got my 12-gauge all loaded with buckshot and I ain't 'fraid to use it by golly.