Renee Zellweger doesn't think much of Paris Hilton and the other attention-junkie types currently making so much noise in show-biz. Zellweger, when asked her opinion of Hilton, said:
I can't bear that scene. People work so hard to get where they are in this business, so it makes me angry when I see someone making a mockery of what we do, just trying to make five bucks.
You know what I think you should do then Renee? I think you should find Paris and kick the shit out of her. And I think you should bring a camera crew along when you do it and then put the whole thing up on pay-per-view and charge 50 bucks. I for one would gladly shell out that sum to see you claw that bitch's face to tatters.
Renee Zellweger has now gone up several notches in my esteem, and is officially exempt from being ripped on this blog for the next three months.