Sunday, December 16, 2007

Rupert Gives Us More To Chew On

Rupert Everett is trashing his peers again. We love it when he does this. It gets us hot.

Rupert trained his withering homo wit upon Madonna and Kate Moss not long ago, saying they both needed makeovers. Now Everett has set his sights on a series of formidable fellow thespians, starting with George Clooney, about whom he said:

Clooney thinks that, provided he does films which are politically committed, he's allowed to do Ocean's 11, 12, and 13. But the Ocean's movies are a cancer to world culture. They're destroying us.

[Clooney's] not the brightest spark on the boulevard. He'll be president one day. Mark my words, if he's straight, he'll be president.

I've heard George Clooney called a lot of things, but an idiot? I don't know if that's fair Rupert.

Then again, when one looks at the evidence a little more closely, one does find more than a few points in favor of Rupert's contention. Like George's recent motorcycle accident. Driving around like an idiot on a two-wheeled vehicle with one's stripper girlfriend clinging to one's waist does not speak well of one's intellectual capacity, does it?

Rupert of course did not end with George. Next he went after a bunch of Hollywood heavyweights - a who's-who of legendary screen performers in fact. Take it away Rupert:

De Niro, Redford, Keaton, Allen, Pacino ... They're all just tragic parodies of themselves. Al Pacino looks like a mad old freak now. I say give it a rest, or go and do some serious stuff...

The other day I saw a film called Because I Said So with Diane Keaton, and I thought, "Here's one of the women we loved most in 1970s cinema, debasing and humiliating herself in this load of trash."

Why? Because we're sheep, we just follow the herd ... It's just part of the huge amount of product that's put out now that's really bad. And it's our fault. We're all responsible for how the culture is. You can't draw a distinction between the celebrity nonsense on television and the film industry.

I have to concur with Rupert's assessment. All those once-great performers have now become sad caricatures. Robert De Niro? He's doing dumb-ass comedies with Ben Stiller. Woody Allen? His movies are nothing more than excuses to fawn over Scarlett Johansson now. Robert Redford? His face is faker than Crabbie's enthusiasm during Christmas family time.

Keep dishing it out Rupert - we love you.
