Sunday, December 23, 2007

Britney Gives Lynne A (Very Small) Piece Of Her Mind

Britney Spears is seething with rage at her sister Jamie Lynn's foray into the world of teen pregnancy, and the majority of said anger is being directed squarely at their mother Lynne, whom Britney reportedly reamed out over the phone a couple of days ago. A source for reports:

Britney basically went off on her the entire time, blaming her for her and Jamie Lynn's messed up life. It was a very hurtful call.

Another example of why Britney is nothing more than an ungrateful cow. Seriously, Britney should be down on her knees thanking Lynne - because where would Britney be in this world without her mother? Who would have pushed her into show-biz, allowing her to lead the extravagant life she now knows?

How many people get to spend their days driving from one Starbucks to the next, blowing thousands of dollars aimlessly, having absolutely no responsibilities or cares? Not many. But the superstar lifestyle is not enough for Britney - she wants love and affection and understanding too. Well, get over it Britney. Clearly your mother is incapable of loving anything but money. You're nothing to her but a source of income, and Jamie Lynn too. So what? You're young and sort of attractive from certain angles, and you have lots of money, and many desperate men want to have sex with you because of the money. Enjoy it while it lasts. And forget about love and the rest of that shit. That's for suckers.
