"What the hell was that, Flipper? You call that a performance? I've worn shoes that had more personality than that. Speaking of which, does anyone know where I can get a nice pair of dolphin shoes made? Seriously, that's how ashamed I am of you Flipper. I come out here to the ocean and I expect certain things. A ball balanced on a nose. A fish caught in a mouth. And all I get is this watered-down rendition of 'The Wind Beneath My Wings.' You think Kelly Clarkson would've gotten anywhere if she'd sung like that? I wouldn't have even let the bitch into my office, much less allowed her to suck my dick in exchange for being advanced to the next round. Forget it Flipper. And don't try those puppy-dog eyes on me either. I'm not Hayden Panettiere, all right? I'd make dolphin chops out of you as soon as give you the time of day."