Friday, December 21, 2007
Jackson's Lip-Problems Explained
An explanation has come along for why Michael Jackson was wearing a bunch of band-aids on his mouth the other day at a Barnes & Noble - and it's predictably disturbing. Unfortunately, it involves one of Michael's kids, Prince Michael II to be exact. Apparently, Prince Mike II and his father were playing some kind of fun game (not the kind you're thinking of - I hope) when PMII got a little overzealous as kids will and smacked daddy right in the kisser. Under normal circumstances, this would be no big deal, but when it's Michael Jackson, of course something creepy and bizarre had to ensue. Basically, the blow caused Michael's collagen-injected upper-lip to burst and collapse, and Michael of course panicked and ran to the nearest plastic surgeon to have the thing fixed, hence the band-aids.
The natural thing now would be to feel sorry for poor Prince Michael II over the trauma this mishap must've caused, but really, does anyone think such a thing would even seem unusual to PMII by this point? I mean, when does a day go by that something on Michael's face doesn't deflate, move to a new position, fall off or begin emanating a strong smell of decay? It's normal to these kids by now. The real trauma will be when they have to make their way in the real world (cause daddy had himself frozen until some future day when scientists have discovered a cure for bankruptcy), and they suddenly discover that most people aren't like Mr. Potato-Head. Like, when they go to a restaurant and gigglingly try to pull off the waiter's nose and for some reason it won't come off. Think how disconcerting that will be for them.
Michael Jackson