Lynne Spears was all set to release a book on parenting called "Pop Culture Mom" - then her 16-year-old daughter Jamie Lynn (did they forget the "e" on "Lynn"?) went and got herself impregnatated, and suddenly the publishing house decided to indefinitely delay the launch of said mommy manual.
This is yet another ridiculous example of cluelessness on the part of the book publishing community. Seriously...so what if Jamie Lynn got pregnant out of wedlock at the age of 16? Why is that necessarily a reflection on Lynne's parenting skills? Why should Lynne have her mommying manual eighty-sixed just because her elder daughter turned out a crazed lunatic danger to society and her younger a little shameless harlot? The publishing company should not allow unfortunate things like this to influence its decision. Lynne Spears is clearly a woman of vast experience and wisdom, and if she wants to share that knowledge then she should be assisted in doing so. There are lots of people in this world who could benefit from Lynne's schooling - please don't deprive them of the opportunity.
I for one am looking forward to Lynne's book ultimately being released. In fact, it's right at the top of my must-read list for 2008 - just above "The Loving Dog Owner's Guide" by Michael Vick, "How to Achieve Inner- and Outer-Beauty" by Fergie and "I Love Heterosexual Sex" by co-authors Lance Armstrong and Jake Gyllenhaal.