Lindsay Lohan is in Italy for the Capri Film Festival, which is reportedly set to honor the starlet for - no joke - her outstanding contribution to cinema.
Obviously, the Capri Film Festival is having trouble attracting real stars and had to go waaaaay down the list to find someone to give their dopey award to (even Tara Reid and Bud Bundy turned them down). Or, maybe people in Capri just have a really, really ironic sense of humor. The only thing I know is that, when Lindsay is given her "honor," there will be no doubt in her damaged little brain that she deserves it. She is not going there thinking the whole thing is just a publicity grab by the festival - she's convinced she's some kind of great actress and this is just validation. Which is why I sincerely wish the Capri people had not done this.
It's fine if people like Lohan want to have careers in movies, but why do they have to be propped up in their delusions? It's like Martin Lawrence being invited to Inside the Actor's Studio. Stupid bastard sat there sucking up ex-pimp James Lipton's counterfeit flattery ("Next we come to your great masterpiece Big Momma's House.") and by the end of it he probably thought he was Olivier. Lohan's going to walk out of the Capri fest with her citation or trophy or gift certificate from The Olive Garden thinking, "Cate Blanchett? Who needs that scrawny bitch. I'm going to win ten Oscars."