Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Adnan Ghalib Claims He Has Impregnated Britney Spears

Adnan Ghalib claims he has impregnated Britney Spears, and further asserts that he and Britney are engaged to be married.

I assert that Adnan Ghalib is a big fat liar-pants who probably couldn't find a vagina with a road map and a special flashlight that made the vagina glow bright green.

"Britney is Adnan's dream come true. He knows that if he has a child with Brit, he'll be made for life," and friend of Adnan's told Star.

Who does he think he is, Kevin Federline?

Britney's parents are reportedly appalled at the notion of Britney having more kids. Well duh. She couldn't handle the two she had. If she pops out another one, the government should immediately take the kid away, then have her vagina welded shut. Vagina.

I said it again.

Adnan is scum.