Friday, February 22, 2008

Jason Lewis Denies Knowing Jennifer Aniston

Contrary to rumor, Jason Lewis is not fucking Jennifer Aniston. And this is coming directly from Jason Lewis, who says he has never even met Jennifer.

"That's a big rumour," Lewis says. "I imagine she's a lovely woman. I never met her.

"[The rumor source is] probably one of my friends crank-calling somebody."

No Jason - the rumor source is Jennifer. She called some friend of hers at some magazine and had them start it. But now you've debunked it, so she'll have to start a new rumor about someone else.

Oh wait, she already has - Aaron Eckhart. Sure Jen, you're screwing him now. And next you'll be riding Viggo Mortensen. This woman is a pathetic pathological liar who will never get over being dumped by Brad. She will wind up as some sad old nursing-home lady in a threadbare sweater who spends her days playing checkers with herself.