Contrary to rumor, Jason Lewis is not fucking Jennifer Aniston. And this is coming directly from Jason Lewis, who says he has never even met Jennifer.
"That's a big rumour," Lewis says. "I imagine she's a lovely woman. I never met her.
"[The rumor source is] probably one of my friends crank-calling somebody."
No Jason - the rumor source is Jennifer. She called some friend of hers at some magazine and had them start it. But now you've debunked it, so she'll have to start a new rumor about someone else.Oh wait, she already has - Aaron Eckhart. Sure Jen, you're screwing him now. And next you'll be riding Viggo Mortensen. This woman is a pathetic pathological liar who will never get over being dumped by Brad. She will wind up as some sad old nursing-home lady in a threadbare sweater who spends her days playing checkers with herself.