America's Got Talent judge Piers Morgan also thinks Keira Knightley needs to shut her big huge flapping brainless twat-smelling yap.
"[Keira] moans about being famous and then does endless photo sessions," Morgan astutely observes. "You can't use the media to promote yourself and then attack them!
"My message to Keira is: 'If you'd like me to get off your case, stop bleating!' Most people would change their lives in a flash to have a tenth of what people like her have. Being famous is brilliant."
Oh, but Piers - Keira doesn't want to be famous. Don't you know? This was all foisted on her. She was hit in the head with a club and dragged off to make those 3 god-awful Pirates of the Caribbean movies. She's a hostage.Free Keira! Free Keira!