Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Piers Morgan Tells Keira Knightley To Shut Her Twatty Yap

America's Got Talent
judge Piers Morgan also thinks Keira Knightley needs to shut her big huge flapping brainless twat-smelling yap.

"[Keira] moans about being famous and then does endless photo sessions," Morgan astutely observes. "You can't use the media to promote yourself and then attack them!

"My message to Keira is: 'If you'd like me to get off your case, stop bleating!' Most people would change their lives in a flash to have a tenth of what people like her have. Being famous is brilliant."

Oh, but Piers - Keira doesn't want to be famous. Don't you know? This was all foisted on her. She was hit in the head with a club and dragged off to make those 3 god-awful Pirates of the Caribbean movies. She's a hostage.

Free Keira! Free Keira!