Friday, June 12, 2009

Call Her Chaz. Sorry, Him.

Chastity Bono has begun the process of transforming herself from a fat lesbian into a fat heterosexual male named Chaz.

"It is Chaz's hope that his choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue, just as his coming out did nearly 20 years ago," said a statement.

Wait a second. If Chaz was a man trapped inside a woman all along, then 20 years ago when "Chastity" revealed "she" liked to have sex with women...can that still be considered a "coming out?" A man telling everyone he likes vagina isn't exactly an earth-shaking revelation. Seems to me that "coming out" should be retroactively invalidated.

Now, if Chaz finishes getting his dick installed, and suddenly decides he'd rather fuck men - that would be coming out. It would also be deeply, deeply confusing.