Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Infectious Disease Rips Rampant Virulence

Octomom did an interview with Radar in which she ripped Kate Gosselin aka The Woman Who May Soon Bring Burning-at-the-Stake Back to America. "She needs to stop being so judgmental and stop pulling at straws for attention," Octo slammed, in response to some apparent earlier criticism of her by Kate. "My children are extremely healthy, strong and happy. Don't you have, like, a lot of issues in your life? A lot of marital problems?"

Yeah Octo, she does. Her husband would rather cavort with college girls than have anything to do with her, and two of her kids already have deals for tell-alls. Plus she has shut-ins all over America sharpening garden implements in hopes they'll somehow cross paths with her and get in a few good swipes at her jugular. Things are not going well for her.

In fact, at the rate she's going, Kate will probably soon have her kids taken away by the authorities...something about breaking child labor laws. When that happens, and her husband is sent to prison for canoodling with teenagers, I think they should send the whole +8 brood to Octo's house to live. Then Octo can just apply for statehood.