When news broke Saturday night that Heidi Montag had come down with some kind of infection on location with I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here and been rushed to a Costa Rican hospital, I'm sure I was not the only one whose first thought was, "Die bitch die!" And then of course I felt remorseful. Not at wishing Heidi Montag dead, but at insulting bitches. What did bitches ever do to me that I should lump them in with Heidi Montag? I apologize to bitches everywhere.
Of course, in the world of reality TV whores, nothing is ever allowed to be what it actually is, but must be embellished and misrepresented until it no longer resembles anything that could credibly be compared to "reality." Such is the case with Ms. Montag's apparent illness. Within minutes of the news coming out, Montag's sister-in-law Stephanie Pratt was on Twitter making outlandish claims against NBC, the network responsible for the abortion known as I Am a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here (should be called You're a Fake Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here). Pratt tweeted:
Im really saddened to hear that nbc felt it was ok to punish speidi so harshly-and torture them as if they were criminals-that Heidi was...
Rushed to the hospital and has an IV in her arm after being locked in a dark room for 3 days w no food or water. Pls pray she will be ok
In case you haven't been following the Spencer/Heidi v. NBC saga - and if you're lucky, you haven't - the two reality whores made an idiot spectacle of themselves last week by walking off I'm a Celebrity, then agreeing to return to the show. If you've never seen the show, it involves Z-listers sitting around in the jungle pretending they're suffering; it's like Survivor, only infinitely stupider and less compelling.
Just why NBC would risk massive legal fallout by locking a woman in a room for three days with no food and water is something Ms. Pratt fails to address on Twitter. I'm guessing that allegation is a gross distortion, or possibly even a complete fabrication. I'm sure we'll presently get clarification on it from Spencer. He was probably working on his statement all Saturday, even before Montag's alleged health emergency. He fancies himself some kind of master media manipulator, hence the fake drama about quitting the show, and hence this little no-doubt manufactured episode.
Heidi, I'm sad to say, is probably fine, was probably never sick. Well, not sick in body, anyway.