Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller are getting on smashingly while filming their new movie (which is called either The Edge Of Love or The Best Times Of Our Lives depending on what article you read). They're enjoying each other so much, in fact, that one might be forgiven for suspecting their friendship goes beyond playful frolicking and the occasional trip to the pub.
All right, I'll say it - Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller are lesbians. I didn't want to go this far but you twisted my arm.
Yes, I know - they're lesbians in the movie. I'm just confusing fiction with reality. Pictures like this show what good actresses they are, not that there are actual tingly feelings between them:

Of course there's no evidence that this shot was taken while the cameras were actually rolling. So for all we know this is how they behave in between takes. They're just staying in character right? And they're still in character when they go out?

Wow. They are so on Ecstasy.
Oh poo Crabbiekins. Can't two girls enjoy a night out without some fat fool spreading rumors about them? And look - they've got men. See?

Yes. Men. Rupert Friend, who appears to be wearing a random hunk of striped fabric as a belt. And the other guy who looks like he just stepped out of a Kenneth Anger film. And Keira - you planning on whipping your dress off and having a picnic later? My God, it's a miracle - Keira Knightley smiling. And she hasn't bitched about having no tits in at least a half-hour. I think the four-ways are starting to loosen Keira up a little. Good job Sienna.