Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Naomi Campbell Mugged At Concert

Model Naomi Campbell went out to the Led Zeppelin concert in London last night, and wound up having her handbag stolen. Here's the news in this story: there are enough members of Led Zeppelin still alive for them to have a reunion. Jeez, Crabbie remembers hating that shit 25 years ago and now it's back? What gives?

Back to Naomi...according to Roger Friedman, who was himself at the show, the purse-less model got into some kind of shouting match with security after the handbag snatching. Right Naomi - like it's the job of security at a rock show to hover over you, making sure no one grabs your stupid bag. Don't those guys have enough to do, what with all the 60-year-old Zeppelin fans having strokes and needing to be dragged out?

Naomi told Friedman, as she was being whisked away by her people, that she had two phones in the handbag. And I thought you weren't allowed to bring weapons into concerts.
