Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Proposal

Finding an actor who is not a waste of skin isn't easy. There are a handful of stars I can't stomach and refuse to watch. Sean Penn is numero uno on my list, followed closely by Mel Gibson.

I have a new found admiration for Sandra Bullock. I was never a big Sandy fan back in the day, despite her being a girl-next-door from my hometown. Over the years, her avoidance of the spotlight and scandals has won me over. I like her. She quietly lives a seemingly normal life. I don't expect her new movie to be a masterpiece, but I find myself hoping she won't fail. In today's Hollywood, it is refreshing to have an actor, who is likable as a human being, up on the big screen. Her co-star, Ryan Reynolds, won't be hard too hard on the eyes either. I might be willing to sit through a matinee of The Proposal for sheer escapism.