Thursday, September 3, 2009

This Guy's My Hero

61-year-old Roger Stephens is in jail after slapping a noisy child at an Atlanta Wal-Mart. I should point out that it wasn't his child or even his grandchild he slapped. It was the bratty kid of some asshole he didn't even know.

Stephens reportedly warned the child's mother that he would shut the kid up if she didn't. Bitch got uppity with Stephens and he did what he had to - smacked the little 2-year-old rugrat right in her face.

And he's in jail for this? Dude should be applauded as a national hero. Statues should be erected to him. God, if I had a nickel every time I've wanted to haul off and crack some little fucker who was carrying on in public.

Yeah yeah, I know, it's not the kids' fault, it's their asshole parents for not teaching them how to behave. So smack the parents too. Matter of fact, from now on, any time anyone of any age does anything you don't like, just smack them. And hope they're not armed.