Britney's once-ubiquitous buddy Cousin Alli has been notably absent from Britney's life lately. At first, it was rumored that the two were fighting - then Britney showed up at Alli's birthday party, putting those stories to rest. So why the hell did Alli stop going everywhere with Britney? It appears the mystery has been solved. According to X17, Cousin Alli hasn't had a lot of time to hang out with Britney lately - because she's been busy recording her own album.
Cousin Alli, real name Alli Sims, is going to be a pop-star just like Britney. She's even got a website, AlliSims.com (there's nothing on there yet except the above pic and a "check back soon" message). Apparently Britney is cool with all this - but will she still be cool when Alli's record comes out, and it's way better than anything Britney herself has ever done? Let's face it - Alli doesn't have far to go to be the best singer in that particular family. Her queefs probably sound better than most of Britney's computerized vocalizing. Probably, when Alli's career takes off, Britney will become insanely jealous and write a mean poem where she says she doesn't have a cousin anymore, and hand it to Alli who will appear shocked. Then Britney will write Alli out of her will, and give an interview to OK! Magazine about how everyone in her life is just using her.
(To the Alli pervert who occasionally posts here - guess you're just about over the rainbow with happiness, huh? Gonna be lots of Alli pics now - hopefully, they will be better than that photoshopped monstrosity on her website though.)