Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pete Doherty Wants Kate Moss Back

Pete Doherty has been prevented from making contact with Kate Moss ever since she threw his ass out of the house. So, Pete has resorted to a desperate measure - prevailing on Moss via an interview in The Mirror, which is reportedly the cokehead model's favorite UK rag (she reads?). Says Pete of his little Katiepoo:

I love her with all my heart. I like the way she walks and talks. I love her bones. I love her brain.

He loves her spleen and colon too. He ain't so crazy about her left earlobe but he's sure they can work that out.

Pete talks of being completely shut out of Moss's life since the break-up:

There's been this lockdown and I can't get hold of her. This is the only way I can get through. ... I need her to know that she's out of her fucking mind. Kate, if you love me then realise I don't want any other girl. ... Do I still love her? Don't ask me that question. Why do you think I'm here today talking to you? I'm here to tell her that I love her. ... Fucking hell man, why does she read the Daily Mirror, anyway? She moans all the time about the fucking paparazzi then first thing in the morning she's got to buy your paper.

I'll tell you why she buys the Mirror first thing every morning Pete - it's to find out if you've been fucking around again. Not that she would necessarily need a paper to tell her that. All she has to do is know you're breathing, and she knows you're fucking around.

Pete then talks about the circumstances of their break-up:

Kate - a nasty old rag. We fell out for the same old reason. She accused me of fucking this girl who lives around the corner. ... We were watching a DVD together and Kate started going "I could tell by the way you were sitting back there that you've fucked her." I said "You're out of your fucking mind." ... I was really up for some peace and love that morning. I wasn't up for being called a cock and being kicked in the head. ... She's got an awful temper. I grabbed a guitar and books and said "I'm never going to be treated this way again."

Oh, okay - you left, she didn't kick you out. Sure Pete. Oh, and by the way - in the midst of reaching out to your cosmic lover, might you explain to us about this artist Christine you proposed to the same day you broke up with Kate?

I made rather a rash gesture. It was more in a fit of anger. I asked this bird Christine to marry me. ... She's gone back to Paris and I don't know what to do.

Right Pete - everyone asks random women to marry them just cause they're pissed at someone.

Of course, the really big issue in Pete's life is drugs. It seems like he has to get himself cleaned up if he has any chance at getting back in Kate's good graces. So how's that going Petey?

They gave me an anti-drugs implant. I was under very, very heavy sedation. Then they gave me a sticker warning the emergency services that I shouldn't be given any morphine. All my receptors are now blocked which means I can't enjoy the recreational use of Class A drugs. Inside, I feel a little more chirpy than I have for a long, long time. But that's only because there's a degree of stability around me that I haven't had for some time. ... The drugs have taken their toll. But I'm mending. The implant was only done a day and a half ago and I'm still healing up. It's going to take a couple of weeks for me to clean up. My arms especially. It's been dark. But I've come out of rehab a new man. ... I had the choice of prison or making some attempt to contain a wilfully dissolute lifestyle. But I was already booked in. It was always just a question of when I did it. I'm on a heavy course of antibiotics and sedatives. For a couple of weeks I'm just going to be a bit of a bag of bones. But I'm confident I can clean up.

Sure Pete - and we're all pulling for you (he's screwed).
