Fugly celebrity sibling Ali Lohan has sent an email to David Caplan of 24/Sizzler, in which she tries sticking up for her embattled sis Lindsay. The text of said message:
Hi david this is ali lohan, i want everybody to know the truth out there. My mom is a single mom of four children she has always been there for us, she was my mother and father and still is. My father is telling all lies to people and saying he was such a great dad and was always there for us, my father was never there for us, My mom was always there souporting us. i think that the whole reason why my sister is upset with her self and not as cofident, is because of my dad not being around, and always staying out late and not coming home for days, he would come back home never himself, he was always was making excuses for his bad behavior . And would always blame my mother. He just wants everybody in the world knowing that he was a great dad. He wasnt that is all a lie. I just want my sister to stick throught this okay, and my mother and brothers and i are there for my sister 100% and have always been. I’ve wanted to say this for so long and get this out there and let everyone know that our family is like a normal family but of course we are put under a microscope because of lindsays fame, lindsay will be fine she is just going through a rough time right now but she will be fine. i know this for a fact. My sisters is just like a normal sister. her and I have so much in common. My mother and sister are huge insperations to me, they have made it through so much in there lives.
Thankyou for your time god bless, Ali
Nice try Lindsay, but we know that was really you. Ali may be an idiot, but no one believes she's that much of an idiot. Please leave your sister out of this, okay? She's young and innocent still. And think of all the heartbreak she's going to have to suffer in the coming weeks and months. You know, when you die, and Dina slips into alcoholic madness and the court sends Ali to live with Michael, who then sells her to some Turkish guy who runs a sex-slave ring. She's going to be a sex-slave Lindsay, and you know what that means don't you? She's going to end up chained to a wall in Charlie Sheen's basement being fed rancid meat and tranquilizers. That's way worse than anything that's happening to you, so please - a little compassion.