Friday, July 27, 2007

Lohan Witnesses Come Forward

TMZ has conducted an interview with three men who claim to have been in the Denali Lindsay Lohan used to chase down her assistant and the assistant's mother the night of her most recent DUI arrest.

The men - Dante Nigro, Jakon Sutter and Ronnie Blake (upstanding citizens all, I'm sure) - say they were in Malibu Monday afternoon with the boyfriend of Lindsay's ill-fated assistant Taryn, when they ran into Lindsay and said assistant. Lindsay later invited them to a party in Malibu, which Jakon and Ronnie were ultimately prevented from entering (losers). Dante, who entered with the assistant's boyfriend Dan, says Lindsay was sucking down booze the whole night, and even did a shot with him (lucky guy). Then, for some reason, the assistant got in an argument with her boyfriend outside; a drunken Lindsay staggered out and began shouting at the assistant. This prompted the assistant to quit, enraging Lindsay. Ronnie describes Lindsay as being "crazy" and "aggressive" at this point.

The boys must've decided the party was breaking up about this time, because they all piled into the now-infamous Denali, which belongs to Dante. Dan was going to drive, but suddenly exited the vehicle to renew his argument with Taryn. Taryn then became fed-up and drove off in her own car (she was not picked up by her mother as previously reported). Lindsay, still irate and drunk, leapt into the Denali's driver's seat and took off after poor Taryn. Ronnie, terrified, jumped from the car and had his foot run over (he shows his injured foot in a video on TMZ).

According to Dante and Jakon, Lindsay pursued Taryn at speeds of 100 MPH up the Pacific Coast Highway (Mel Gibson's favorite). She finally caught up to her erstwhile assistant, they say, and started doing circles around her car Road Warrior-style. Lindsay allegedly proclaimed at this point, "I can't get in trouble. I'm a celebrity. I can do whatever the fuck I want." Somehow Taryn was able to get away from Lindsay, but the cagey Lohan drove to Taryn's mother's house; and lo-and-behold, Taryn's mother happened to pull up just as Lindsay arrived. The mom, who can be heard on this 911 tape acting like she's being chased by Osama Bin Laden and Hitler, panicked at the sight of the Denali (which she misidentifies on the tape as a Yukon) and drove off.

Lindsay followed the mom, still insisting to her passengers that nothing could happen to her because she was famous. The vehicles finally pulled into a parking lot near a police station. When the cops arrived, Lindsay reportedly said, "I wasn't driving, the black kid was driving." She was administered a field sobriety test, which she failed miserably. And the rest is history.

A few things. One, the fact that Lohan came up on the assistant's mother the way she did, with the mother apparently having no knowledge of previous events, sort of explains the woman's hysteria on the 911 tape. Two, Lohan saying "the black kid was driving" is not going to do much to win her new fans in the African-American community (in fact, neither of her passengers was black; Dante is white and Jakon looks Filipino or something; the only black guy, Ronnie, bailed at the beginning). Three, if Lohan really was driving circles around the assistant's car on the PCH - that goes beyond mere recklessness to a level of suicidal stupidity I personally wouldn't have thought even Lohan capable of. This chick needs to have a serious lesson taught to her now - because if she's allowed to continue, there is no question that she will kill someone. I don't see, given all this evidence (and I realize the three men could be exaggerating or making shit up; we'll just have to wait till they're called as witnesses and see if their story changes) how a judge could justify not throwing Lohan in jail for a significant amount of time. We're talking about a person who has no regard whatsoever for anyone else's safety - a completely out-of-control, irresponsible, socially retarded menace. Frankly, I doubt even a stint in prison would teach this bitch - she's one of those people who will finally either kill herself (hopefully without taking anyone with her) or wind up locked-up for good. She has demonstrated a total inability to take responsibility for any of her actions, has lied, has engaged in charade rehab trips almost as a way of saying "fuck you" to people who tell her she needs to clean up. But the most damning thing of all, I think, is the way she's flushed her career down the toilet. It's one thing to be young and drunk and stupid; it's quite another to be so irresponsible and foolish that you would toss away literally millions of dollars just because you don't want to stop partying. If a person shows so little regard for their own existence, how can they be expected to give a damn for anyone else's? Sorry, but Lindsay Lohan needs to go to jail now - far, far worse than Paris Hilton ever did.
