Monday, July 30, 2007
Attack Of The Clones
It's been suggested that Victoria and David Beckham's boys aren't really normal biological children but clones - and looking at this picture, I would tend to agree with that theory. I think some mad scientist took some of David's primo DNA and implanted it into an egg, or however they do that shit, and just made three exact copies of him. Because think about it - since Poshy doesn't have a vagina, how could she possibly become impregnated and then give birth? Only normal females give birth, not mutant freak-job quasi-females with the bodies of 12-year-old boys (except for the unnaturally enormous breasts). No, I think some crazy guy just wanted to create a whole army of little Aryan supermen who would one day form the world's greatest soccer team. Poshy is just their babysitter really. Their incredibly uncomfortable-looking babysitter.