Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dirt On Lohan

Normally we laugh at Hollyscoop - mostly because it seems to be written by a bunch of junior-high girls in My Little Pony pajamas - but they actually came across with some good dirt today concerning Lindsay Lohan. The site claims to have an informant among Lindsay's friends, who's told them among other things that Lindsay owes various drug dealers upwards of $30,000 - which may explain why she allegedly tried to broker a $30,000 deal with photo agency X17 last week. The snitch says Lindsay blows through $3,500 worth of drugs a week, but it was actually worse when she was partying with Calum Best - so bad that her friends are actually amazed she lived through it. The source says Lindsay checked into Promises mostly for PR reasons (really?), and that she laughs at tabloids and websites that believe she's really trying to get cleaned up (I didn't know there were any). Also, it's claimed that Lohan got in touch with her pusher almost immediately upon leaving Promises, and was at one point heard to say of her lifestyle, "I created the scene." Lindsay - you invented spending $3,500 a week on coke? Naive girl. If you'd been around in the seventies, you would've been considered uptight.

Hollyscoop's source also has a few things to say about Lindsay's parents: That Dina ran out of her house screaming when she heard of Lindsay's second DUI bust, and that Michael is only pretending to give a shit about Lindsay's health because it's a way for him to get into the papers. You mean Michael Lohan is an insincere media-whore phony? Huh...
