Lindsay Lohan now knows her ship is sinking, and she's got to try her damnedest to salvage something before it's too late. That, I assume, is why she's decided to give a tell-all interview to OK! Magazine - the rag has probably offered her a great deal of money, and it's not like she's got any other big employment opportunities looming, especially now that she's become radioactive to movie producers. This is however completely the wrong thing for Lohan to do. If she had even a lick of sense, or anyone around her who could talk some into her, she would just shut the hell up - no interviews, no appearances, nothing. She needs to lay low now - really low. Go into rehab someplace and just sit there. No visits. No statements. No fucking around with men or operating from the inside like a jailed mobster. Then when the time comes she has to come back out and face the music - court, which will be a circus, and the inevitable jail-time (there's no way she's getting out of it). And then after that, she needs to lay low some more. For at least a year I would think. Get out of the public eye entirely and get things figured out. Then maybe - maybe - she can come back and try to get some movie work. She'll probably have to put up the dough for her own insurance at first, but it will be worth it - an investment in her future.
Of course she will need to be a model citizen then - she will need to show up on-time every day, not sass, not act like a little prima donna. And she will need to get serious about becoming an actress. No more crap about how natural she is, and she can just show up and do it. Obviously, she can't just show up and do it - the reviews of her new horror movie, which have mostly been pans, prove that.
Of course, for Lohan to carry out this plan, she would have to already possess some glimmer of serious concern for her own existence - and therein lies the rub. Cause, honestly, I don't think Lohan does give a shit. I think she would willingly piss her whole life away for a thrill or a fuck or a line. She has no appreciation whatsoever for anything - she is a completely ungrateful, shallow, remorseless pig of a human being. So, she will give a "tell-all" to a magazine, in which she tries to explain away her absurd behavior, and the other damaging stuff like saying "the black kid" was driving the car. She will spread more bullshit and lies about how it's all the paparazzi's fault, and her father's fault, and everyone's fault but hers. She will claim she doesn't do drugs or drink despite all the eyewitness testimony to the contrary. She will persist in her little game of denying what we all know is true, because that's how sociopathic scuzzwads like her play it. We might all be able to respect her if she had just a little finesse, but she's not even smooth - she's a dumb liar, and she takes stupid risks, and she's clumsy and doesn't express herself well. She's half-assed as a human being and half-assed as a con-artist. She is her mother's daughter and her father's too.