Lindsay Lohan's people are denying widely-published reports that the troubled starlet was involved in a car chase before being arrested early Tuesday morning. TMZ has been told that, in fact, the Escalade Lindsay was supposedly pursuing, which contained her former assistant and the assistant's mother, and Lindsay's own Denali which had two passengers inside, were both being chased in a "threatening and unsafe manner" by several other vehicles. Speculation immediately ran to the other cars being driven by paparazzi, who have been known to occasionally cause traffic accidents when they become over-aggressive. However, to this point, no pictures have surfaced of Lohan during or after the alleged chase - which means either there were no pursuing cars with paps and Lohan's people made that up, there were paps and they decided not to take any pictures (fat chance), or there were paps who took pictures but the photo agencies abstained from running them (again, fat chance).
Lindsay's people attempting to defend her by claiming she was the chasee rather than the chaser smacks of classic Dina Lohan denial - especially the implication that paparazzi were actually the ones responsible for the whole thing. Next, I suppose, Dina and her minions will want us to believe that the paps planted the cocaine on Lindsay, and sprayed her in the face with some kind of substance that caused her to behave drunk and blow between a .12 and .13 on the breathalyzer. Those paps, they are some evil fuckers.