Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lindsay's Parents Have Their Say

Lindsay Lohan's parents talked to the press in the wake of their daughter's second DUI arrest in less than two months. Her mother, Dina, reiterated her support for Lindsay, saying the following to The Insider:

We are doing everything in our power in support of Lindsay and I won't give up – this is my daughter and we love her. ... I am sick over this. ... My children, my family, we are like prisoners in our own home because paparazzi [are stalking us] outside [our] home. Lindsay is in a safe place, and we are trying to strategically work out our next step.

Just like Dina to use Lindsay's latest misfortune as an opportunity to take a pot-shot at the media - as if the media were somehow to blame for her awful parenting. Too bad Dina has to remain holed up in her house because the paps are all over her - but I guess if she didn't want this to happen she shouldn't have acted like a shameless attention-whore and taught her daughter to be one as well. A woman who brings Entertainment Tonight cameras to her daughter's rehab, as Dina did while Lindsay was in Wonderland, has no business criticizing the media for anything. What irritates Dina isn't that she's being hounded - it's that she's being hounded by people she hasn't cut deals with.

Meanwhile, Lindsay's father Michael spent the entire day contacting various media outlets and running his mouth. Perez Hilton says Michael kept him on the phone for 12 minutes talking his ear off, and at one point tried enlisting his aid:

If you want to help Lindsay out, put some good things out there. Say that Lindsay needs her family in her life. ... What you’re printing is only one side of the story because if I came out with all the information I have, you would think differently.

It saddens me that people like Michael Lohan think Perez is part of the legitimate media, and that they're somehow helping the situation by trying to get him on their side. Do they not realize that all Perez cares about is the bit? Whatever. Michael is obviously a looney tunes, and so is Dina. And Lindsay, as we speak, hides in an undisclosed location - not rehab, as was reported yesterday. Wherever she is, we hope she's not snorting anything, or drinking anything stronger than water, or taking Ecstasy or Oxycontin, or God forbid driving...

(source 1, source 2)