OK! Magazine says they will publish the pictures taken of Britney Spears at yesterday's monumentally horrific photoshoot - pictures described by one witness as having the potential to "kill her career." Said OK! in a statement:
OK! Magazine spent a heartbreaking day with Britney Spears and witnessed first-hand an emotional cry for help that will leave you shocked and sad. This week, on newsstands Friday, the truth will be told.
What the hell got in to OK! Magazine? A couple weeks ago they bought up all the incriminating pics of Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo so they wouldn't see the light of day (and were repaid with a boring exclusive interview with the couple), but now they're going to publish the ones of Britney that allegedly show her with her eyes rolled back in her head like a dead person? Journalistic integrity, thy name is OK! Magazine.
Or maybe not. Cause honestly - does anyone believe there ever were any sex pics and vids of Nick and Vanessa? It was an interesting if dopey way to sell an exclusive - we have the pics but we're not going to let you see them; now read the exclusive interview. If they'd had the pics, of course they would've published them - and not for journalistic reasons but crass ones. This time, they actually have the pics - and of course now they have principles and so must publish them. But like the swine they are, they insist they're actually trying to help Britney by showing everyone the state she's in. That's a level of hypocrisy you don't often encounter outside a Harvey Levin statement.