Sophie Anderton has taken action in the wake of her outing as a coke-sniffing prostitute by an undercover reporter for News of the World - by checking herself into rehab.
This will help with the coke-sniffing part, I guess, but isn't going to do a lot for the whoring thing. Unless there is now rehab for people who sell their bodies to reporters for house-payment money.
Anderton, who I'd never heard of until the NOTW story broke, is reportedly distraught over the public now knowing that she does blow and casually offers herself to people in exchange for cash. A family friend said:
She's been screaming and crying down the phone, yelling, "It's all over." Sophie is absolutely shattered. Everyone is terrified about her state of mind.
Oh, buck up Sophie. It's not like you had much of a career to lose in the first place, right? Otherwise you wouldn't have needed to whore yourself out. And it's not as if people had some image of you as this straight-laced individual. Most of us, in fact, had no image of you at all. And those who did only cared about your tits anyway. Seriously - you think the wank-pots downloading your pictures on the internet give a shit if you do blow? And about the whoring thing...shit Sophie, that only makes you more attractive to them. These people are dirtbags and you're a dirtbag - so it seems to me you've already got things where you want them. Going straight will only mess all that up.