Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Richie Donates Shower Gifts

Nicole Richie did something nice for the poor folks by donating a bunch of her baby shower gifts through her newly-formed charitable endeavor the Richie Madden Foundation, which immediately issued a press release trumpeting Nicole's little show of holiday spirit. I ask you: is there anything more heart-warming than a sincere act of image rehab?

Of course everyone's all patting Nicole on the back for being so wonderful. But I say not so fast. Do we know exactly what the stuff was that Nicole donated in the first place? Shouldn't we reserve judgment as to the depth of Nicole's caring until the crap has actually been inventoried? It could all be a bunch of lead-tainted Chinese shit for all we know. Or stuff poor people don't need like glow-in-the-dark dildos.

Actually, it appears that the guests at Nicole's Wizard of Oz shower (which did not feature a mysterious figure dangling from a tree branch) brought presents both to be donated and for Nicole to keep, and also each brought a book to add to the baby's library. And those books will surely be appreciated by Nicole's little pooper - when he/she is around 23 and finally learns to read.
