Monday, November 26, 2007

Hulk And Linda: The Divorce Drama

Linda Hogan filed divorce papers against her husband the Hulkster last week, but new reports say that Linda is having second thoughts about terminating the couple's 24-year marriage. A source told TMZ:

She keeps saying to him "Can't we find a way to make this work?" She doesn't want to see the family break up. She really wants to work it out with him. But it is like pushing up against a brick wall. She is heartbroken about it.

Pushing against a bald, roided-up brick wall with a withered peepee - not a great way to spend one's post-menopausal years.

We all know it's about the withered peepee right?

Sources say the recent unpleasantness surrounding son Nick and his unfortunate driving habits is actually at the heart of Hulk and Linda's problems. Sounds like a classic case of the old blame-game, eh? Hulk and Linda each reproaching the other for turning the little fucker into a spoiled social deviant. And then there's Brooke and her obvious gender issues. At some point, someone needs to help Brooke come to grips with being a man.

I hope the family can work it out. I really do. Cause love is such a rare thing. And really, what are Hulk's chances of finding another woman willing to put up with his shrunken penis and emerging steroid boobs? I'd hate to see an American icon like the Hulkster wind up haunting public parks in search of butt sex. That would be...just fucking tragic man.
