Kimberley Kohn, an attorney for brain-dead Nick Hogan pal John Graziano, claims the sudden divorce filing by Hulk's wife Linda is part of a ploy intended to protect the family's assets when a civil suit is finally filed against them on Graziano's behalf. It's all too complicated for the Crabster so I'll just let St. Petersburg Times writer Tamara El-Khoury explain it:
Kohn said Monday a divorce could be one step the Bolleas could take to try to protect assets. That's because it could cut Terry [Hulk] Bollea's assets in half, she said.
Nick Bollea faces a felony charge of reckless driving with serious bodily injury, and attorneys for John Graziano's estranged parents have said they intend to file a lawsuit as a result of the crash.But if the Supra and the Viper are not registered to both parents, it could be harder to go after Mrs. Bollea individually, Kohn said. The mother's degree of control over who used the vehicles would have to be determined.
I've got a simpler solution to all of this. Instead of somebody suing somebody for money, how about just making the person directly responsible pay for their actions in an appropriate manner? Nick Hogan, I think, should be the only one held liable for Graziano's injuries. I mean he was the idiot driving the car. It's immaterial how he got to be an idiot in the first place - at some point little dumb-asses with dumb-ass parents who raised them to have no respect for society or even human life have to be taught the concept of personal accountability.
What would constitute a suitable punishment though? Jail? A suspended license? Too unimaginative. No, I think Nick should be subjected to something more poetic. I think Nick, for at least the next ten years, should have to live with John Graziano. He should have to keep John company during every waking moment. He should have to feed John his baby food, and clean the shit from him, and change his catheter and whatever else is required from a maintenance stand-point. Too extreme you say? Well, the Crabster is not without compassion even for asshats like Nick Hogan. If at any time Nick should become unable to take it anymore, he should have the choice to opt out of his punishment and accept what's behind door number 2 - a bullet to the back of the fucking head.
That, my friends, is Crabbie justice.