Monday, November 12, 2007

Lindsay Wants Magic Powers

Lindsay Lohan wants to be more than just a skanky cokehead starlet. She wants to be magic. To help her achieve this dream, the crazy bitch has reportedly hired a quack "human magnet" from Romania to come to L.A. and teach her how to, I shit you not, move objects using only her mind.

The Romanian grifter now employed by Lindsay, Aurel Raileanu, was credited by the Guinness Book of World Records as being the most powerful human magnet on earth after he lifted a 50 pound television without touching it. Lohan apparently read about this and got intrigued. Lindsay said:

I've always been interested in off-the-wall abilities. And this is a really interesting phenomenon. I'd love to find out more about it and try and pinpoint what causes these supernatural abilities.

I think I can help you in pinpointing what causes the supernatural abilities Lindsay. See, there are these people called con-artists. They go around looking for gullible folks they can take money from by offering to help them learn how to, for example, move objects with their minds. The supernatural abilities exist only in the imaginations of the marks these con-artists practice their craft on. So, the cause would be the charlatan's art acting upon the silly, backward, superstitious, drug-addled brain of the victim. That clear it up?
