The game of musical chairs that is Owen Wilson's sex-life has landed on a new piece of semi-famous tail: Michelle Ryan, star of NBC's failed revival of The Bionic Woman.
Reports say Owen and Michelle have been spending a lot of time together lately, dining at Nobu and body-boarding at Malibu beaches. A source explains Owen's interest:
Michelle’s one of the few women in Hollywood who looks like herself and hasn’t had loads of work done. She’s refreshingly natural. She’s also pretty innocent about how this whole town works, which Owen finds endearing. And then there’s that British sense of humour.
In other words Michelle is young and basically unspoiled, and now she's going out with Owen Wilson which means that, within a month, she'll be broke and strung out and just trying to find someone to buy her a plane ticket back to England.
Funny how Owen keeps roping in all these attractive young women, isn't it? Jessica Simpson. Le Call. Now Michelle Ryan. The whole "I tried to kill myself not long ago, but I'm okay now" line must be working out great for him. Wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out Owen faked the whole suicide thing just so he could play the whole poor, sensitive, suffering man thing with broads he was trying to nail. Women eat that shit up I'm told.