Friday, November 30, 2007

Just What Little Timmy Always Wanted

What kid wouldn't love to tear the wrapping off their big old Christmas gift and discover...a roadkill plush toy?

Yes, a British company is coming out with a line of roadkill stuffed animals. The first is called Twitch the Raccoon. Poor Twitch comes with his own body bag, and a tag that says he was run over with a milk truck. For added fun, little budding serial killer Timmy can unzip Twitch and play critter coroner by removing his internal organs. The company, by the way, is called Compost Communications. I have no idea what the fuck they're thinking, but they are British, so they're probably trying to be dry and witty.

I personally would slap my mom silly if she bought me one of these (actually, I'd run in horror if my mom did anything since she's dead), but who knows - maybe today's twisted, over-medicated little monsters are into this kind of thing. If you wanna buy your brat one it will set you back $50, not including the cost of later therapy.
