Angelina's creepy brother James Haven is once again flapping his gums about what a wonderful, caring person he is. Here's James on the strong feelings the poor, suffering people of the world inspire in him:
I'm so sensitive. If a building has been condemned or it's left to ruin, I get so upset. I feel something really deeply about it. I don't like to see anything neglected. If I see a down-and-out I can't walk past, it really gets to me and I want to do everything I can.
I can totally relate to your feelings James. Like, whenever I'm in a bakery, and see some delicious cake or pie or other pastry sitting there neglected, I just feel so strongly about it - I have to do something. So I buy the cake or pie or whatever, and take it home and make a nice warm, safe place for it in my tummy. It's the least I can do, really.
Seriously, what the fuck does this shit-for-brains think he's proving by constantly trumpeting his compassionate nature? Is he trying to make people less uncomfortable around him? Sorry James, but it's not working. You're just flat-out creepy. It doesn't matter how much you tear up over urban decay, or how many quarters you hand out to smelly, drunken indigents - you will always be a bug-eyed freak.
Please James - just stop talking. Stop telling us how great you are and how great Angelina is. No one is as great as you purport you and your sister to be. No one is as pure of motive or innocent of heart as you apparently believe you are. You live in a sick, creepy, butt-lipped fantasy world. And your sister is even ickier and more self-obsessed than you are.