Monday, November 26, 2007

Hopsy Has A New Man

Evil lying hag Heather Mills has found another man who is willing to sleep with her - milliner-turned-sculptor David Shilling. One word David: pre-nup.

Page 6 says Heather and David went to a fashion opening in Monaco together, where David introduced her to Prince Albert II. But I thought Heather hated rich people. Oh, that's right - she only hangs out with them so they'll give her money for her causes. I guess that means she's only fucking this Shilling fellow so he'll cough up dough to stop seals being clubbed or little Africans being blown up by landmines. Heather Mills - she's a whore with a purpose.

This David Shilling is either an idiot or just really kinky and into being stumped in the ass. There's no other explanation for why a man would have anything to do with someone as evil as Heather. Unless they just enjoyed being fleeced for millions by a demonic harlot.
