Michael Lohan must really think we're chumps. A bunch of nitwits who'll swallow anything he wants to dish out. Gullible as hell. Otherwise he wouldn't dare slinging stuff like what he told People magazine when they asked him about Lindsay's community service stint at a Red Cross blood center. Michael said:
When she was younger I had her at hospitals, visiting cancer patients and sick kids. I know she wants to do stuff like this, mission work. I asked her how it was going and she said she is really enjoying it. She's happy.
Please Michael - there is no way in hell Lindsay is happy toiling away seven hours a day at a place where people come in to give blood so they can make money to blow at the track. It's killing her and you know it. But maybe you say those things to try and convince yourself. Maybe, deep down inside, you feel a glimmer of guilt at what a disaster your daughter's life has turned out to be, and are trying to assuage that guilt by fooling yourself into thinking she's actually this kindly, caring soul who's gone astray. And of course it's your job to put her back on the righteous path, right Michael?
Jesus, why can't you just die already?