Britney Spears, like her on-again/off-again pal Madonna, has reportedly begun affecting a British accent. Unlike Madonna, who talks like a fake duchess pretty much all the time, Britney apparently only whips out her accent when she's doing business - a habit that has begun grating on certain people's nerves.
A Britney insider described the situation this way:
It's very distracting. It seems she is using a British accent when she talks to people outside her circle of friends. One of her people claimed she was studying for a film role.
Britney's hauling out the old "it's all for a movie role" excuse again? Just like when she went after the paps with the umbrella and tried to make everyone believe it was because she was auditioning for a part and couldn't get herself out of character? Oh dear - Britney is Al Pacino now.
Well, she's about as sexy as Pacino.