Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Girl Who Scared Britney Straight (For A Couple Of Minutes At Least)
Britney Spears may seem hell-bent on ruining her career and life, but believe it or not, the loopy slag does still have some instinct for self-preservation. When pushed, Britney is still able to connect with reality - maybe not for long, but long enough to re-establish her grip on what remains of her former glory.
The people at Jive Records understand which of these special wake-the-fuck-up buttons of Britney's to push, and push them they did, when Britney recently threatened to blow off a $500,000 video shoot. Jive, it's reported, had gone the whole nine yards on behalf of Britney's video for "Pieces of Me" - they rented out a location, hired dancers, and even had famed music video director Wayne Isham on hand; all they lacked was Britney herself.
12 hours passed - still no Britney. Jive had to pay everyone overtime to keep them from walking. Finally, the Jive folks had had enough - they called Britney and told her that if she didn't show, they were going to re-work their plans and shoot a video for a different performer, up-and-coming popster Samantha Jade, using all the stuff they'd set up for Britney. That clicked with the lazy, irresponsible former bubble gum queen and she high-tailed it down to the shoot.
So, if ever you were wondering what it took to pry Britney's fat ass off the couch, now you know. Just remind her that there are plenty of younger, less-troublesome young women out there who would be perfectly happy to take over her position. In other words, play to her natural sense of jealousy. If I were Jive, I would just have someone follow Britney around carrying a picture of this Samantha Jade, and any time Britney starts acting up, pouting, or otherwise behaving like a spoiled little jerk, just show her that picture while doing the universal finger-rub sign for "money." Then duck out of the way so as not to be overwhelmed by the Cheetos-and-booze reek issuing from Britney's maw as she sighs with resignation.
Britney Spears,
Samantha Jade