Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Turmoil For Winehouse

Amy Winehouse shed more public tears yesterday after missing visiting hours at Pentonville Prison and being told she couldn't see her husband Blake Fielder-Civil, who remains incarcerated there. A friend said:

Amy was devastated that she wasn't let into jail. It's hard enough with him being inside and yet it was made worse when she wasn't given access.

Apparently Pentonville hasn't gotten the memo that Amy is supposed to be allowed to see Blake whenever she wants because she's famous and she loves her junkie husband and those things are more important than any silly laws Blake may have broken. And, they are also never, ever supposed to make Amy take her beehive off so they can search it for drugs. Everyone knows Amy doesn't hide drugs in there anyway. I mean, who would be stupid enough to do something like that? That would be like spending your whole life with bat-wings painted on your eyes, or going around everywhere in ballet slippers. You'd have to be retarded or very high to do shit like that.
